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Photography by Dale

Name: Photography by Dale
Photo - Photography by Dale
Location: Brandon
Canada R7B 3E9
Contact: 204-729-0789

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Additional Info: Photography by Dale is a Brandon, Manitoba based professional photography studio specializing in Weddings, Families, Children, Glamour, and Sports Team Photography. Our full service photography studio offers a fun, but relaxing atmosphere where you can feel comfortable and allow us to create for you the perfect portrait! We have many unique studio sets and backgrounds available along with an image presentation and client meeting area!

My journey into photography started back in 2001. At the time I was busy designing websites and perfecting my graphic design skills. Digital camera's were just starting to become more available to the public and I figured photography was the next step in my artistic evolution.

I worked on my skills practicing on just about anything I could take a photo of. I did some photography for friends and everyone really liked the results. When Bree was pregnant with our first son in 2007 we were thinking of different things on how she could stay home after her maternity leave was over. We decided that we would start offering my photography on a more professional level and 6 months later I quit my full time job and we haven't looked back since!

We opened the doors on our first storefront location in January of 2010 and quickly outgrew that spot and now reside in our studio at Unit B-658 10th Street.

In 2009 I submitted an application to the Professional Photographers of Canada and after reviewing my submitted images I was immediately accepted and am currently a Registered Professional Photographer. I have also obtained accreditation from PPOC in the category of "Modelling Portfolio" "Glamour" and "Couples Portrait" I have also had one of my prints "Accepted" to the Manitoba Image Salon.

I'm continually working on my skills as a photographer and learning new techniques so that I can deliver my clients a top quality experience and most importantly an above standard product! I still dabble in graphic design and I even designed this website! It has also lent it's hand well to designing unique looking products for my clients. I always like to tell people that when you hire me you not only get a photographer but also a graphic artist!

Dale Schappert, RPP
Specialisms: Advertising, Artistic Photography, Commercial Photography, Events / Functions, Family / Children, Fashion, Glamour, Model, Portrait Photography, Sports, Studio, Wedding Photography
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