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Name: MRPwebmedia
Photo - MRPwebmedia
Location: Thornhill
Canada L4J 4S4
Contact: Visit Our Sites

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Additional Info: About MRPwebmedia

We are a media production company specializing in video, photo, and music productions. We use actors and models in all are productions and have added a new Head Shot and Portfolio Service for local actors and models.

Our work delivers our corporate clients' marketing messages in memorable ways using video, audio, webmedia campaigns and websites; all created in-house from concept to implementation, from graphic and motion design to Web-design, from script writing to video-production to post-production, from music composition to signature sound design.
Fees: $ 85.00 Canadian Dollars Per Hour
We also provide a fixed price service of $350.

Photography For Actors Who Can Act

New Photo Service for Talent Agents, Actors, and Models

What happens when an agent sends a series of photographs to a casting agent or producer? The person responsible for casting goes through the photos until something makes them stop, perhaps it's the hair, the eyes, the smile, or some other intangible element that just strikes their fancy. Having cast numerous actors in our video productions I know what agents send and I know how producers deal with them.

But Can They Act?

Just because someone looks great or at least exactly what the producer had in mind doesn't mean they can act, let alone have a personality. I suppose it doesn't matter if all you need is someone to stand in a grocery aisle staring at a can of peas, but heaven forbid they have to react or worse, open their mouths. No wonder you see the same people over and over again in television commercials, but is it really smart to use the same actor in a diarrhea medication spot and a frozen food commercial?

What if you sent a producer or casting agent a photograph that showed something more than what an actor looked like, what if you sent a photograph that actually displayed some acting ability or at least some personality beyond that standard headshot that says "I look marvelous"?

Performance Is Everything

So we decided we should do something about this situation, yes it flies in the face of conventional wisdom, but what the hell, aren't you trying to sell your actors to the producers, aren't you trying to get them to stop, look, and remember your people and not the other guys?

In that regard we developed an actor's photo session that does just that, we call it, "Role Playing." We give the actor a series of emotions and photograph them playing out that emotion, the result is clever, funny, dramatic, and above all memorable – and isn't that the point.

Be Special - Be Different

Now I suppose local Toronto actors can fly down to Beverly Hills and have Howard Schatz do it, after all he did write the book on the subject, but that could run into a few bucks, or you could have us do it – just a thought.

If you've got any actors you think could benefit from a series of photographs that show more than a pretty face, then have them gives us a call.

Photo Session Rates For MRPwebmedia Actors: $350 + HST ($395.50)
Up to 6 Wardrobe Changes
Includes Role Playing & Headshots
Includes 6 Retouched Images on DVD
Includes Unretouched Proofs
Additional Retouched Images Available at $10+HST each.
Specialisms: Advertising, Artistic Photography, Fashion, Glamour, Model, Portrait Photography, Product / Catalogue, Studio, Videography, Video Production, OTHER
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