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Jayne Russell

Name: Jayne Russell
Photo - Jayne Russell
Location: Hong Kong
Contact: +852 97578607

Send Jayne Russell a message
Additional Info: JAYNE RUSSELL
+852 9757 8607
News / Corporate/ Product/ PR Photography
After 18 years on Fleet St in London (including The Sun, News of the World and The People) and many more working for the Australian Press, I have finally moved to HONG KONG.
News is my speciality but there is little I have not covered so I can bring great experience to you job. You will get a professional result!
For those not in the know Hong Kong is the Asian Hub. Shuttle flights run regularly allowing the chance to get to a story sooner rather than later to secure your particular British / Australian/ American angle. So if its not happening here I can get there.

In brief, these are the flight times to areas surrounding Hong Kong-

Taipei Taiwan- 1 hr 40
Manila Philippines- 2 hrs
Shanghai China - 2hrs 15
Bangkok Thailand- 2 hrs 30
Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam- 2 hrs 30
Bandar Seri Begawan Brunei- 3 hrs
Beijing China - 3hrs 15
Seoul South Korea- 3hrs 20
Singapore -3 hrs 40
Tokyo Japan- 4 hrs 20
Vientiane Laos- 4hrs 20
Dhaka Bangladesh- 4hrs 30
Jakarta Indonesia- 4 hrs 45
Bali Indonesia- 4 hrs 45
Port Moresby Papua New Guinea 6 hrs 30
Myanmar Burma- 1 stop 5hrs 10
Fees: Minimum half day rate charged.
Jobs involving studio equipment attract an extra charge.
All costs can be discussed clearly in advance.
Specialisms: Commercial Photography, Editorial, Events / Functions, Family / Children, Fashion, Food and Drink, Interior, Model, People, Photojournalism / Press, Portrait Photography, Product / Catalogue, Public Relations / Corporate, Sports, Studio
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