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Henry W R White

Name: Henry W R White
Location: Birmingham
United Kingdom B93
Contact: Send Henry W R White a message
Additional Info: I have worked with a multitude of individuals or corporations on a range of different assignments, promoting myself through the web and by recommendation. Notable subjects and assignments include: Stella Artois, Bacardi, Express and Echo Newspaper, Original Sin Exeter, Gap, Jack Wills Clothing, Fashion. Music. Style. (FMS) Magazine, Razz My Berries Magazine, The University of Exeter, The Safer Sex Ball, (The UK’s largest World Aids Day event (2010 and 2011)). I have also had photographs shortlisted in several competitions, including the Guardian’s ‘Been There Travel Photography Competition’ (April 2012) and I am currently shortlisted for ‘Young Black and White Photographer of the Year’ by Leica and Black+White Photography magazine. I have also created short films, most recently making a short, ‘stop-motion’ documentary about the city of Birmingham, titled “A Second City”
Fees: Fees are negotiable based on travel and other expenses.
Specialisms: Artistic Photography, Black and White, Editorial, Events / Functions, Fashion, Landscape, Night Photography, People, Photojournalism / Press, Public Relations / Corporate, Travel and Tourism
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