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Gianfranco Dal Bianco

Name: Gianfranco Dal Bianco
Photo - Gianfranco Dal Bianco
Location: London
United Kingdom E14
Contact: photo@gianfrancodalbianco.com

075 1144 7059

Send Gianfranco Dal Bianco a message
Curriculum Vitae

37 Old School Square ∙ London E14 7DJ ∙ Mobile 075 1144.7059

Online Portfolio: www.gianfrancodalbianco.com | www.gdbautomotive.com

Strengths, Key Skills and Technical expertise

 High-end on DSLR Nikon and medium format cameras Mamiya and Hasselblad.
 Large format Linhof and Sinar from 5x4 to 10x8
 Digital backs Phase One P45.
 Basic knowledge on Adobe Photoshop CS4
 Management of continuous studio light, tungsten with Fresnel, and different strobes sets by Ellinchrom, Broncolor, Speedotron, Balcar and Norman.
 Project Management methodologies (understanding budgets, time deadlines and production).
 Strong organization, leadership and project management skills backed up by excellent ability to multitask
 Ability to come up with original creative ideas and concepts and follow them through the entire production process
 Very good understanding of production techniques in still photography.
 Good experience on VR 360º shooting and stitching for panoramic and/or product. Very useful for Real Estate.

Professional Experience: 1969 – 2010 Advertising Photography:

 Photographer of major advertising campaigns in various parts of the world. Realization of different topics such as product shots, food, people, architecture, room sets, tourism, among others. Good experience on Editorial on room sets, food, product tabletop, architectural and interior design.
 My largest specialty is on the automotive industry with high brand clients like: Alfa Romeo, Chrysler, Ferrari, Fiat, Ford, General Motors, Jaguar, Lancia, Honda, Maserati, Mazda, Mercedes Benz, Mitsubishi, Nissan, Peugeot, Piaggio, Renault, Toyota, Vauxhall and Volkswagen.


2010 – To date London, UK
2009 – 2010 Barcelona, Spain
1993 – 2009 Mexico City
1984 – 1993 Detroit / Los Angeles, USA
1980 – 1983 London, UK / Milan and Torino, Italia
1969 – 1980 São Paulo, Brazil

Languages: Fluently Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and English.

Please, on the link bellow you'll find a good portion of samples of my work.


Clients: This is a brief list of the clients and firms I have worked and collaborated with.


 Accent (Los Angeles)  Leo Burnett (Michigan / Mexico)
 Alfredo Elias Publicidad (Mexico)  Lowe Worldwide (Mexico)
 Arrechedera Claverol Publicidad (Mexico)  McCann Ericksno (Brazil / Michigan / Mexico)
 BBDO (Michigan / Mexico)  Olabuenaga Chemistri (Mexico)
 Casanova Pendrill Inc (Costa Mesa, California)  Noble y Asociados (Mexico)
 Clemente Camara y Asociados (Mexico)  Ogilvy Group (Michigan / Mexico)
 Concepto Creativo (Mexico)  Publicis (Mexico)
 DDB (Mexico)  Saatchi & Saatchi (Michigan / Mexico)
 Delta Merino Publicidad (Mexico)  Teran TBWA (Mexico)
 Euro RSCG Worldwide (Mexico)  TEWA (Michigan)
 Grupo Ferrer (Mexico)  Vertice Comunicación (Mexico)
 Grey (Mexico)  Y & R (Michigan / Mexico)
 JW Thompson (Brazil / Michigan / Mexico)  Deninson (Brazil)
 Lince Propaganda (Brazil)  Mauro Salles (Brazil)
 Publitec (Brazil)  Propeg (Brazil)
 DM9 (Brazil)


 Alfa Romeo (Brazil / Italy)  Nestle (Brazil / Mexico)
 Chrysler (USA / Mexico)  Kellogg’s (Mexico)
 Ford (Brazil / USA / Mexico)  Mexican Federal Presidency
 Honda (USA / Mexico)  Pemex (Petroleos Mexicanos)
 Ferrari (Italy)  HSBC (Mexico)
 Fiat (Italy / UK)  Baush & Lomb
 General Motors (Brazil / USA / Mexico)  Hush Puppies (Mexico)
 Jaguar (Mexico)  Bacardi (Brazil / Mexico)
 Lancia (Italy)  Kodak (Mexico)
 Maserati (Italy)  Robert’s (Clothing Stores Mexico)
 Vauxhall (UK)  L’Oreal (Brazil / Mexico)
 Mitsubishi (USA)  Antartica (Brazilian Beer)
 Volkswagen (Brazil / Italy / Mexico)  Philip Morris (UK / Mexico)
 Piaggio (Italy)  Liverpool (Mexican Department Stores)
 Renault (Mexico)  Skol (Brazilian Beer)
 Peugeot (USA)  Moda in Casa (Interior Designer Mexico)
Specialisms: Artistic Photography, Commercial Photography, Portrait Photography, OTHER
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