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Arman Shah

Name: Arman Shah
Photo - Arman Shah
Location: Singapore
Singapore 730123
Contact: Send Arman Shah a message
Additional Info: My foray into photography first took place in 2006, when I was a second-year Mass Communication student from the School of FMS (Film and Media Studies) in NP (Ngee Ann Polytechnic). While my passion lies primarily in writing, I started developing a love for capturing moments in time with a camera. This budding interest eventually led to my internship at Trimedia Publishing, where I was a photojournalist and graphic designer for Tribune, NP’s campus newspaper. Throughout this unique industry-based project, I was able to continually develop my photo-documentary skills by covering various campus events.

In my final year at the School of FMS, I opted to specialise in print journalism and was assigned as a lifestyle writer for Hype Magazine. Another area of focus in my third year was photography. I took up photo documentary and was taught how to develop negatives and print out photos in the darkroom. For the final assignment, I shot a series of fashion-oriented portraitures with a film camera.

After graduating with a Diploma in Mass Communication in 2007, I was enlisted into the SCDF (Singapore Civil Defence Academy) for National Service. I was trained to be an operational Section Commander in ERSC (Emergency Response Specialist Course) where I volunteered my editorial and photography services and became the editor, photographer and designer of the graduation publication.

In early 2010, after completing two years of National Service, I applied for the position of a photography and editorial intern at I-S Magazine. Apart from my weekly contributions to the travel section, I also reviewed films and interviewed world-renowned personalities. A highlight of my internship was having my photo used as a front cover for the issue on Geylang Serai (before it loses itself to urban redevelopment).
Specialisms: Artistic Photography, Events / Functions, Portrait Photography, Wedding Photography
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